Our Offers

Monthly Deals

Ortaköy Bellezza Hotel is offering several of its rooms to guests who are looking for living arrangements in the coming year. Guests who are willing to stay for at least a month can ask for monthly deals with much more affordable premiums through our contact information.

You will be able to enjoy the services our hotel offers without having to worry about additional premiums a standard renting arrangement would curtail.

This offer comes with complementary breakfast for each day of your stay according to your request.

When taking advantage of this arrangement, please note that it is valid for guests who are going to be using the room for their selves only.

We have a starting rate of 1000$/€ or its TL equivalent for a room with a minimum of 30 days for our monthly deals.

Please note that the availability of this offer could change according to Ortaköy Bellezza Hotels discretion.